New March schedule Check out the Calendar link!!!
THEME NIGHTS NEVER ever interfere with normal open ride days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OPEN HOURS This Week Thursday, Friday (kids night) Saturday & Sunday. Likely last week for he season!
Pit BIke Night! This Saturday night!!! March 29nd!!! Last one of this winter season!
Beginners Kids track is Open!
OPen normal hours with: updated no longer open Wednesday's this season. Will return full days open next season.
ALL OTHER DAYS Thursday-Sunday open normal hours. Kids night Friday's as per normal.
New updated Calendar for March! Old people night, and Pit bike Night to final out the indoor season!
If you are bringing your child and BOTH parents are not coming you have to do the guardian form just like sending a kid with a friend. FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED!
BEST CHOICE......... BOTH parents should come out to the First Ride, then you can fill out the forms in person. Specially out of state riders we do not want to have to send you home! Please get the paper work in order, and then have a great ride! thank you
Make sure to bring your expired Membership card with you it will save time!
Click here for whole season calendar. 815.884.9361 office number
Saturday nights and special dates.
Most all dates are set for this season! MegaBanquet is December 7th!
Please remember this facility utilizes the same waiver process as any AMA race event. YOU MUST be 18 to ENTER this facility, and or ride.
If you are not 18 years old you MUST have both parents or a guardian with you. IF you are bringing a sibling or friend go to the forms page and follow the guardian release instructions completely. If the form is not notarized you will not be able to ride. It simply has to be that way.
Please come IN the office and Sign waivers and do the paper work BEFORE you bring your bike inside!
Thank you!
Indoor riding arena for dirt bikes. Stadium mx style track with jumps, berms, whoops, and other combos. Ride all winter long, watch for our special events coming this winter as we improve the facility.
Motocross, Supercross, Arena cross, Megacross, Endurocross, Enduros, Hare Scrambles, Trials, Dirt track, all types of riders need to keep sharp in the winter time. We are here to help with that. Heated pits, Easy access to the facility. We are in the middle of EVERYWHERE! Join us at Megatrax. Have a great time at the place the offers the "inside ride".